Increased Consumption Of Pertamax Turbo Ahead Of The 2020 New Year

JAKARTA - Approaching the New Year 2020 celebration, Pertamax Turbo daily consumption has skyrocketed to 36 percent from a daily average of 805 KL to 1,098 KL. Overall, gasoline consumption during the Christmas and New Year Task Force (NARU) increased by 3.7 percent compared to the daily average in December 2019. Meanwhile, when compared to the January-October 2019 period, the increase reached 5.7 percent.

Pertamina's Vice President for Corporate Communication, Fajriyah Usman, stated that the sales of quality fuel such as the Pertamax series are the prima donna during the Christmas season and entering the 2020 New Year holidays.

"The operation of new toll roads on Trans Sumatra, Trans Java and toll roads in Kalimantan has triggered the increasing demand for quality fuel. This is to show consumer awareness of the importance of fuel, which can support vehicle performance so that it continues to be prime during the trip so that homecoming and holidays are safe and comfortable, ”said Fajriyah as quoted, Tuesday, December 31.

Fajriyah added that the high demand for Pertamax Turbo shows that public awareness is also high enough to maintain better air quality by using environmentally friendly fuels.

"Pertamax Turbo is Pertamina's flagship product which has the highest octane of fuel products sold at gas stations in Indonesia," added Fajriyah.

During the Task Force period, continued Fajriyah, the stock security of all types of fuel in safe conditions was above the national standard set. Pertamax Turbo stock resistance was recorded to be the highest at 37 days, Pertamax (18 days), Pertalite (18 days), Premium (21 days) and avtur (18 days).

"During the Task Force period, Pertamina also prepared special services to meet consumer needs for quality fuel, especially on functional toll lanes through motorist services, Pertamax Kiosk and Dispenser Tanks," added Fajriyah.

Pertamina, added Fajriyah, had also secured sufficient B30 stocks during the Task Force period. The total stock of B30 was recorded at 509 thousand KL with daily distribution reaching 66 thousand KL. This stock is an inventory at TBBM, not including stocks in refineries and ships.

"Entering the new year 2020, all Pertamina gas stations are ready to sell B30. People can enjoy B30 through Biosolar and Dexlite products. The advantages of B30 are that it is more environmentally friendly and friendly to vehicle engines, "concluded Fajriyah.