The Voice Of The United Borneo Alliance: Edy Mulyadi, 'Genderuwo-Kuntilanak' Is Already In Jakarta Looking For You

JAKARTA - Representatives of the people of Kalimantan, Gabriel, emphasized that the United Borneo Alliance was not just a bluff in response to Edy Mulyadi's statement calling Kalimantan 'a place for genies to throw away children'. It was emphasized that Edy Mulyadi's statement had insulted Kalimantan.

"Tell Edy Mulyadi that the monkey, genderuwo, kuntilanak that he said, (we) are now in Jakarta looking for him. We are not playing games, not just bluffing but we are now in Jakarta," Gabriel said at the Commission RDPU III DPR with the United Borneo Alliance, Thursday, January 27.

Gabriel said that after getting off the plane, he immediately went to a television station to look for Edy Mulyadi. Unfortunately, Edy Mulyadi was not at the location to be held accountable for his words.

"He did not come to the discussion if he came in that second minute, I would arrest him. This is a firm action against his kuntilanak mouth," he said.

"What the kuntilanak genderuwo said was Edy Mulyadi," he continued.

Gabriel said that the people of Kalimantan really appreciate President Joko Widodo who has designated Kalimantan as the capital of the new nation.

"We are ready to support the President, we are ready to support and guard IKN in Kalimantan to the last drop of blood, for the sake of IKN RI," said Gabriel.

It is known, related to moving the capital city to Kalimantan, Edy Mulyadi mentioned which party wants to build housing there. He then mentioned a number of well-known property companies in Indonesia.

Edy Mulyadi questioned which company wanted to build and market the houses they built in Kalimantan. In this statement, it was heard that Edy Mulyadi insulted Kalimantan as a mystical place.

Edy Mulyadi questioned which company wanted to build and market the houses they built in Kalimantan.

"Whose market is it? If the market is kuntilanak, genderuwo, why did I wake up there?" he said.