Siwi Widi Former Garuda Stewardess Appears Again, Her Name Is Called Received Transfer Of IDR 647 Million Suspected Of Money Laundering

JAKARTA - The name Siwi Widi Purwanti appears again. It's not about the alleged defamation case that dragged the Twitter account @digeeembok in mid 2021, Siwi Widi is apparently included in the money laundering case.

The name of Siwi Widi, a former Garuda Indonesia flight attendant, is listed in the indictment of the Head of Registration, Extensification and Appraisal of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes for South, West and Southeast Sulawesi (Sulselbartra) Wawan Ridwan and his son, Muhammad Farsha Kautsar. The father-son was charged with money laundering.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutor in reading the indictment at the Jakarta Corruption Court, said that the defendant Wawan Ridwan, while serving as a middle tax examiner, hid the origin of his wealth which was suspected to be the result of a criminal act of corruption.

In short, Wawan Ridwan when he was a middle tax examiner at the Directorate of Audit and Collection for the 2014-2019 period received a fee from the audited taxpayers. This order came from Angin Prayitno through Dadan Ramdani.

KPK Prosecutor M. Asri Irwan said the fee was divided by 50 percent for structural officials consisting of the Director and the Head of the Sub-Directorate, while 50 percent was allocated for the inspection team. In this case Wawan got 606,250 Singapore dollars or around Rp6.47 billion.

The money was allegedly the result of this corruption which was then spent by Wawan for the 'luxury' of life. The KPK prosecutor noted that Wawan bought a car, 2 parcels of land and buildings in Bandung, a house in Tangerang, land in Rangkasbitung and the purchase of a Honda CRV Turbo.

“Defendant I Wawan Ridwan together with Muhammad Farsha Kautsar in April 2018-August 2020 knew or should have suspected that his assets were the result of a criminal act of corruption related to receiving gratuities from taxpayers who were examined by Defendant I so as to hide or Disguising his origins has committed several acts on behalf of Defendant I himself or on behalf of other parties," said prosecutor Asri reading the indictment, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 26.

Siwi Widi's name was also mentioned in the indictment. Prosecutors mentioned in detail the efforts to disguise the origin of the assets which were suspected to be from corruption.

First, exchanging the receipt of money in the form of foreign currency into rupiah currency in the name of Muhammad Farsha Kautsar in the amount of Rp.8.888.830,000.00.

Second, transferring to the account of M. Farsha Kautsar on January 28, 2019—April 29, 2019 for IDR 1,204,473,500.00.

Third, buy a watch on April 5, 2019—July 25, 2019 for IDR 888,830,000.00.

Fourth, buy 1 unit of Olander Mercedes Benz C300 Coupe worth Rp. 1,379,105,000.00.

Fifth, buy tickets and hotels for IDR 987,289,803.00.

Sixth, buying foreign currency amounting to Rp300 million on May 23, 2019.

Seventh, transferring 21 times to Siwi Widi Purwanti as a close friend of Muhammad Farsha Kautsar on April 8, 2019—July 23, 2019 worth Rp.647,850.000,00.

Eighth, transferring to Adinda Rana Fauziah in January 2019-March 2021 worth Rp39,186,927 and to Bimo Edwinanto an amount of Rp296 million as a friend of M. Farsha Kautsar

Ninth, transferring several times to Nurcahyo Dwi Purnomo and his family for the business interests of Wawan and M, Farsha Kautsar in the amount of Rp. 509,180.000,00 on February 7, 2019—December 9, 2020.