Secretly Enters Room, Forced 16-Year-Old Girlfriend To Have Sex, Youth In Sekadau West Kalimantan Detained By Police

JAKARTA - A young man with the initials SS (27) in Sekadau Hulu sub-district, Sekadau area, West Kalimantan (Kalbar) was arrested by the police after having sexual relations with his 16-year-old girlfriend.

"While carrying out the action, the perpetrator persuaded and threatened the victim, we have detained the perpetrator for further legal proceedings," said Head of the Sekadau Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Anuar Syarifudin at Sekadau West Kalimantan, Antara, Thursday, January 27.

The results of the investigation showed that the perpetrator was proven to have had intercourse with a minor, which was carried out by the perpetrator in the room of the house belonging to the victim's parents.

According to him, in this case the perpetrators can be charged with Article 81 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) Sub-Article 82 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 2016 2016 the second amendment to Law number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

Anuar stated that the police received a report from the victim's father that the perpetrator had intercourse with a minor that occurred last Thursday night.

The incident began when the victim and her parents attended a wedding reception. After that, the victim was brought home by his father.

Then the victim's father returned to the wedding reception to pick up his wife. Arriving at the house, conditions were quiet and the perpetrator's motorbike was seen in the yard.

Anuar mentioned that the perpetrator's motorbike was parked in front of the house. The father immediately called and looked for the victim from the side door and the mother from the main door but the victim was not found.

When he saw the victim's room door was locked from the inside, the victim's father called again but there was no answer. Feeling suspicious, the victim's father broke down the door and found the two of them in the room.

"In front of the head of the RT, the perpetrator admitted to having an extramarital relationship with the victim. According to the perpetrator's statement, this was the first time he had done this with the victim, who had only been dating for three months," explained Anuar.

For this incident, the perpetrator has now been named a suspect and detained at the Sekadau Police for further legal proceedings.