Wants To Move Vanessa Angel's Grave After 100 Days Of Death, Doddy Sudrajat Harvests Warganet's Criticism

JAKARTA - Doddy Sudrajat's desire to move Vanessa Angel's grave has strengthened again. Doddy, through his team of lawyers, Doddy Sudrajat, in uploading Instagram gossip @komentatorpedas, Thursday, January 27, revealed that the plan will be implemented after the 100th anniversary of Vanessa Angel's death.

The plan is to move this tomb from its original location at TPU Srengseng Sawah, West Jakarta to Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta. There, Vanessa Angel will be united with her mother.

Doddy Sudrajat's wish received mixed reactions from netizens. Not a few of them criticized his behavior.

"What's wrong is that the child has been eaten, do you want to move it, does it say rented? Oh God... it's all different, folks," said one netizen.

"What's the point of being moved? The new location has AC like that?" said another.

"As far as I know.. if you dream of someone who has died... the late / late come, just smile or look at it from afar... there's never been a story when you dream about it / visit it, then the late / late ask to move the grave... talk to those who are still alive live (even if in a dream) .. just making up dodots huh!! Oh my gosh, naudzubillahminzalik... there's a human model like that!!," added another.

Previously, a rawon seller from Kediri named Rofi'i in a video mentioned Doddy Sudrajat's plan to move Vanessa Angel's grave. Rofi'i wants to give his cellphone if Doddy refuses to move Vanessa Angel's grave. According to him, it is forbidden by religion.

Unfortunately, the good intentions were not well received. Doddy said that even being given a cellphone factory would not change his desire to move the deceased's grave.

Apparently, Rofi'i was not the only one who hoped that Doddy would not indulge in public opinion. An oil palm farmer made an attractive offer.

The man even asked Doddy Sudrajat to choose an area in his garden. Whether it's in the Jambi or Kalimantan area.

"Please, Mr. Doddy, DM me, I will give you 3x24 hours of time, if Mr. Doddy accepts my offer, I will give five hectares of oil palm plantations to Mr. Doddy," he said.

All these offers did not make Doddy Sudrajat budge. He still wants to move Vanessa Angel's grave.