Paid IDR 5 Million / Month For Online Gambling Promotion, Bengkulu Selebgram Arrested By The Police

BENGKULU - The cyber team from the Bengkulu Regional Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) arrested a celebgram with the initials MK (20 years). MK was arrested for promoting an online gambling site on his Instagram account.

MK was caught on the radar of the Bengkulu Police's routine patrol cyber team. The police found an Instagram account promoting an online gambling site.

From the results of the investigation, the Court claimed to have been paid Rp. 5 million to promote an online gambling site on an Instagram account that had 118 thousand followers for a month. In fact, the Constitutional Court also admitted that it had been doing this for the past eight months.

"The perpetrator has made videos and photos using attributes, then provided photo and video descriptions containing the promotion of gambling website sites which were shared through social media Instagram," said the Head of Public Relations of Bengkulu Police, Kombes Pol. Sudarno as reported by Antara, Wednesday, September 2.

MK was arrested by police on Tuesday, September 1. The police confiscated evidence of 1 mobile phone, savings book, and SIM card.

The MK is now a suspect. The case was handled by the Bengkulu Regional Police Ditreskrimsus. This Bengkulu program has also been detained in the Bengkulu Police Headquarters detention cell for the purpose of further investigation.

The Constitutional Court is charged with Article 45 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 27 Paragraph (2) Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions with a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 1 billion.

"The suspect committed a criminal act knowingly and without the right to distribute or transmit electronic information or electronic documents containing gambling," he said.

The Court also provides cashback of IDR 50,000 to each prospective new registrant if you use the code shared in the video description.