Traffic Engineering Ahead Of New Year's Eve: Elimination Of Even-Ganji And Road Closure

JAKARTA - The odd-even rule in Jakarta today will only be enforced until 10:00 WIB, today, Tuesday, December 31. This policy was carried out because several points in the odd-even area were enforced by closing access or diversion of currents for the 2020 New Year's Eve celebrations.

"Traffic restrictions with an odd-even system on Tuesday, December 31, 2019 will still be enforced at 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., while at 16:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., they are not enforced," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Fahri Siregar in a statement received by journalists, Tuesday, December 31.

This policy will continue until the next day, Wednesday, January 1 because it is a national holiday.

Meanwhile, road closures for the New Year's Eve celebration or Jakarta Car Free Night will take effect from 15.00-24.00 WIB.

The main route closed by Polda Metro Jaya starts from Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara through Jalan MH Thamrin to Jalan Jendral Sudirman because the peak of Car Free Night is at the HI Roundabout.

Based on information via the Twitter account TMC Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, the diversion of traffic flows was carried out at several locations. Here's the explanation.

Traffic flow from Jalan Hayam Wuruk is directed to Jalan Djuanda and traffic flow from Jalan Veteran Raya is directed to Jalan Suryo Pranoto or Jalan Gajah Mada Traffic flow from Tugu Tani to Jalan Merdeka Utara is directed to Jalan Perwira Traffic flow from Tugu Tani Towards to Jalan Merdeka Selatan closed, straightened to Jalan Perwira Traffic flow from Budi Kemulia to Jalan Thamrin, Jalan Merdeka Selatan, Jalan Merdeka Barat closed directed to Jalan Abdul Muis Traffic flow from Jalan Museum towards Merdeka Barat is closed straightened to Jalan Abdul Muis Traffic flow The crossing from Jalan Galungung to Sudirman was closed and straightened to Tanah Abang. Likewise, on the other hand, from Tanah Abang, it is straightened towards Manggarai or Pasar Rumput. Traffic flow from Kasablanka to Jalan Jenderal Sudirman is closed in both directions.The Semanggi Circle and Semanggi Junction are completely closed from the east directed to Slipi / from the west to Pancoran Traffic flow from the direction of Hotel Mulia to Jalan Pintu Satu Senayan is straightened towards Jalan Hanglekir. Traffic flow from Jalan Asia Afrika to Bunderan Senayan is straightened towards Jalan Hanglekir Traffic flow from Jalan Sisingamangaraja to Jalan Sudirman is directed to Jalan Hanglekir Traffic flow from Jalan Pattimura towards Jalan Sudirman directed to Jalan Hanglekir / directed to the left of Jalan Sisingmangaraja Traffic flow from Jalan Senopati to Jalan Sudirman is directed to Jalan Pattimura