The 'Ecstasy' Driver Did Not Brake When He Hit A Bicycle Platoon

JAKARTA - The cause of the accident that killed seven cyclists was not only because the hitman, Toto Prasetio, was affected by narcotics. Later, from the results of the investigation and processing of the scene of the case, it was found that the speed of the mini bus was quite high.

Kasubdit Bin Gakkum of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Fahri Siregar said, based on the investigation, the suspect admitted that the speed of the car being driven reached 80 kilometers per hour.

It's not just the car's speed that's fairly high. From the case where the incident occurred, there was no trace of any braking before the incident occurred. So, when the car hit the cyclists, the impact was quite hard.

"From the examination, the collector admitted that his speed was 80 kilometers per hour. In addition, there was no trace of braking either," Fahri said in Jakarta, Monday, December 30.

With high speed and exacerbated by the absence of braking efforts, the Toyota Avanza car with police number B 1624 BYW slid unhindered towards the cyclists. Until finally, seven out of nine of them suffered serious injuries and had to undergo intensive care at the hospital.

Based on the facts and evidence obtained, Toto Prasetio was named a suspect and charged him with Article 311 paragraph (4) in conjunction with Article 310 paragraph (3) of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ).

Meanwhile, for the crime of narcotics abuse, it is said that this was handled by the South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Detective. Currently, the examination process is being carried out intensively.

"Drug criminal cases are handled directly by the South Jakarta Police," said Fahri.

As previously reported, the accident occurred in the Sudirman area, South Jakarta, Saturday, December 28. A Toyota Avanza with police number B 1624 BYW driven by Toto Prasetio hit several cyclists. As a result, seven people had to be rushed to the hospital because they suffered serious injuries.

From the results of examinations and urine tests, Toto Prasetio tested positive for consuming ecstasy drugs. In fact, he is a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) on duty at the South Jakarta Metro Police.