Kombes Riko Sunarko Transferred To Police Headquarters, Kombes Valentino Appointed As Chief Of Medan Police

MEDAN - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo rotated a number of high-ranking officers (Pati) and mid-level officers (Pamen).

The rotation was stated in the Telegram Letter ST/165/I/KEP/2022 dated January 24, 2022, which was signed by AS HR Inspector General Wahyu Widada.

The National Police Chief also transferred the Medan Police Chief, Kombes Riko Sunarko. Riko's position was replaced by Kombes Valentino Alfa Tatareda, who previously served as Traffic Director of the North Sumatra Police. Kombes Riko has been transferred as an intermediate policy analyst in the field of Wabprof Divpropam Polri.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, when confirmed confirmed the mutation.

"That's right. Based on the Telegram letter from the Indonesian National Police Chief, Kombes Riko has been transferred," Kombes Hadi told reporters, Wednesday, January 26.

However, Kombes Hadi did not specify the reason why Riko was transferred. He said mutations were commonplace within the National Police organization.

"Mutations are usually done in order to refresh the organization," he said.

Previously, the name of Kombes Riko was also dragged into the alleged bribery case of drug dealers. Kombes Riko is accused of receiving bribes.

He said he used the bribe money to buy a motorbike as a gift given to TNI soldiers who succeeded in thwarting the circulation of marijuana.

This bribery case was revealed in the trial of the theft of money belonging to drug dealer Jusuf alias Jus during a search. Jus's wife with the initials IM was arrested. In order to be released, IM was asked to pay Rp. 300 million.

However, North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak said Kombes Riko was not proven to have accepted bribes from the wives of drug dealers.

According to the Kapoldasu, the team did not find any evidence that the Medan Police Chief ordered the remaining Rp160 million to be used for releases, buying motorbikes and for wasrik.

Inspector General Panca revealed, from the results of the examination, the joint team confirmed that the Medan Police Chief, Kombes Riko, ordered the Narcotics Head, Kompol Oloan Siahaan, to buy a motorbike as a gift to Koramil members who succeeded in uncovering the marijuana case, at a price of Rp. 13 million.

However, Rp7 million has been paid by the Police Chief, while the remaining Rp6 million has been paid by Kompol Oloan Siahaan.

"This should not have happened because as a superior he is not allowed to charge the remaining payments to his subordinates. This is in accordance with Article 7 paragraph (2) point (a) Perkap No. 14 of 2011 concerning the Police Professional Code of Ethics. Therefore we must not to oppress someone by saying he knows but in reality he doesn't know," said Panca.