One Omicron Patient In Surabaya Left

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Health Service stated that one of the 13 patients still tested positive for the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and is currently undergoing medical treatment at a local hospital.

"Based on the results of the repeat swab test from the case, one patient is still tested positive. So one patient is still being treated and hopefully recovers soon," said Head of the Surabaya City Health Service (Dinkes) Nanik Sukristina, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 26. .

Nanik explained that previously there were four patients with the Omicron variant who were exposed due to traveling outside the city, all of whom had been declared cured by the medical team.

"Then, there were additional patients who were confirmed by Omicron, as many as 13 patients," said Nanik, his nickname.

Nanik explained that the 13 patients with confirmed Omicron variants were people who had traveled outside the city and were detected by the ITD (Institute of Tropical Disease) in turns. After receiving treatment at the hospital, he continued, 12 of them have been declared cured.

As an effort to prevent the Omicron variant in the city of Surabaya, he said, Nanik asked the entire community to be consistent in implementing prokes in their daily activities in the public environment.

"We also continue to strengthen aggressive and massive 3T (Testing, Tracing and Treatment) efforts, then facilitate a centralized isolation place for those who are confirmed positive until they recover," he said.

In addition, said Nanik, his party also tightened and supervised the entry and exit of residents outside the city of Surabaya, and ensured that Overseas Travelers (PPLN) had carried out quarantine according to SOPs through the role of the Wani Jogo Suroboyo Village Task Force in each region.

"The public must always obey in using the Care Protect application in an orderly manner so that it can be tracked if there are confirmed cases or close contacts in public places. In addition, it can detect whether the capacity of public services has been overloaded or not," he said.