Formula E Tender Auction Repeats, Jakpro Still Optimistic Of Circuit Construction On Time

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo Widi Amanasto admitted that he is optimistic that the construction of the Formula E circuit can run on time in early February.

Although, at this time the tender process for the construction of the electric car racing track was repeated because it was previously declared a failure.

"The re-auction has been held at the beginning of this week. Hopefully it will meet expectations and be tracked according to the timeline," said Widi in a short message, Wednesday, January 26.

During the construction of the circuit, Widi said that the FIA and FEO as the license holder of Formula E also directly supervised it.

Widi also predicts that the construction of the circuit, which is located in the Ancol area, North Jakarta, will be completed in April. Thus, in May the circuit testing process can be carried out.

"God willing, it will be inspected from Formula E Operation (FEO)," he said. It is known that the tender process for the construction of the Formula E circuit which had previously been opened was declared a failure. This notice can be seen on the Jakpro e-Procurement website.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria also admitted that he was still optimistic that the Formula E event would run smoothly. Although, the current tender for the construction of the circuit must be repeated.

"Of course you have to be optimistic, because optimism brings good positive energy. In building this nation we must always be optimistic. Whatever challenges we face, we must work together, synergize, collaborate, and fight," said Riza.

Riza also asked all parties to trust the work of the Formula E executive committee, in this case Ahmad Sahroni as the chairman of the organizing committee, Bambang Soesatyo as the director, and PT Jakpro as the organizer, so that the racing event can run well.

"Of course the committee has made plans and arranged all the possibilities. So, we leave it to the committee who understands more technically. Our job, let's give support, support, and prayers," he said.