Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Asks Ulama To Unite To Increase Islamic Moderation

JAKARTA - Vice President, KH Ma'ruf Amin, encouraged all scholars to unite to promote and spread moderate Islamic teachings to all Muslims in various regions. , including Islamic countries. "I am optimistic that if Indonesian ulema continue to unite in maintaining and enhancing Islamic moderation, then wasathiyah in Indonesia will become the axis of hope for the birth of a peaceful world," he said at the Halaqah Kebangsaan I event organized by the Agency for Combating Extremism and Terrorism of the Indonesian Ulema Council (BPET-MUI) through a video conference from Jakarta, Wednesday, January 26. He also appreciated the role of ulama in Indonesia who have played a role in realizing a moderate and tolerant understanding of Islam. This, he continued, helped maintain the condition of inter-religious harmony in Indonesia.

"The ulema have played a key role in realizing a moderate and tolerant understanding of Islam and the ulema as heirs of the prophets and torches of role model for the people," he explained.

The condition of tolerance and harmony among religious believers in Indonesia, he continued, has become an example for foreign countries to create peace in conflict areas. Indonesia, as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, can maintain conditions of harmony by living side by side with people of other religions.

"It is not excessive if we are judged or perceived by the world community as one of the models that should be an example to maintain peace and unity in diversity," he said. spread the values of Islamic moderation or Islam wasathiyah," he concluded.