Cases Continue To Increase, COVID-19 Beds In Jakarta Increase To 38 Percent

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that there was an increase in the occupancy of treatment beds and COVID-19 isolation in line with the increasing trend of daily cases.

Riza said, currently the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) for isolation is 38 percent or 1,466 of the 3,853 beds are used.

Meanwhile, the ICU BOR was 11 percent or 83 of the 628 beds were used. This BOR figure refers to the occupancy of beds at 104 COVID-19 referral hospitals in Jakarta.

"There has been an increase in the BOR update. Isolation from the previous 33 to 38 percent. The ICU has increased from 11 percent to 13 percent," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 26.

As of January 25 yesterday, there were 1,706 active cases in Jakarta, bringing the total number of active cases to 12,196 people who are still being treated or isolated. There have been 883,490 positive cases. Of the total number of positive cases, a total of 857,688 people were declared cured with a cure rate of 97.1 percent and a total of 13,606 people died with a mortality rate of 1.5 percent.

The positivity rate or percentage of positive cases in the last week in Jakarta was 8.3 percent, while the percentage of positive cases since the beginning of the pandemic was 10.8 percent.

Especially for the Omicron variant, cases in the capital city have reached 1,697 infected people. The details, as many as 1,166 people are foreign travelers and 531 are cases of local transmission.