PDIP Usung Eri Cahyadi To Become A Candidate For Mayor Of Surabaya
JAKARTA - After being delayed, PDI Perjuangan finally officially appointed Eri Cahyadi-Armuji as a candidate for mayor and deputy mayor of Surabaya, East Java.
"The recommendation of the city of Surabaya is given to Eri Cahyadi with Armuji as a candidate for mayor and deputy mayor for the period 2020-2025. Freedom," said PDIP DPP Chairman Puan Maharani reading the recommendations online, Wednesday, September 2.
Puan asked the East Java PDIP DPD and Surabaya City DPC to immediately consolidate. The goal is for the party bearing the white muzzle bull to win the Surabaya Pilkada again.
"All ranks of the East Java PDIP DPD and Surabaya City DPC can coordinate and consolidate all party ranks to win the city of Surabaya again," he said.
When the recommendations were read out, Eri and Armuji were not present at the East Java PDIP DPD. Eri Cahyadi is the Head of the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency (Bappeko).
Meanwhile, Armuji is a member of the Surabaya City DPRD from the PDI-P Faction and has served as Chairman of the Surabaya City DPRD.
Previously, the announcement of the candidate nominated by PDIP in the Surabaya Mayor Election was delayed on the pretext of technical reasons.
Meanwhile, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said the Surabaya Pilwalkot was the culmination of his party's announcement of candidates.
The reason for making this city of heroes the culmination of the announcement of regional head candidates is because PDIP has positioned Surabaya as the main political stage after Jakarta. According to Hasto, Surabaya is not only the second largest city in Indonesia but also a city that has many achievements.
"Surabaya is very worthy to be placed at the top of the announcement of candidates for regional head and deputy regional head of the PDI Perjuangan because in this city the spirit of nationalism and patriotism thrives," he said.
In determining the candidate for mayor, Hasto ensured that the party bearing the bull emblem was very careful. Moreover, all this time the leadership of his cadre, Tri Rismaharini and his staff has been felt by the people in the city of Surabaya.
Hasto said that the Chairperson of PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, had carefully considered the prospective replacement for Risma to lead Surabaya and was directly involved in taking care of people's lives and determining the future direction of the city.
"That is why the PDI Perjuangan is so careful. Even for the sake of this responsibility, the announcement of the city of Surabaya was made specifically," he said.