Happy Students At SDN 22 Selalong And SDN 21 Sekadau West Kalimantan, After Vaccine Injections Receive Gift Bags

SEKADAU - Sekadau Police, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) provided books and bags to students who had participated in the vaccination aged 6-11 years. This gift from the police is a form of appreciation for students who have succeeded in accelerating the COVID-19 vaccination.

"The aid of bags and books for dozens of students is a form of reward for their participation in vaccination as well as to increase their enthusiasm for learning," said Kapuas Hulu Police Chief AKBP Tri Panungko during the student vaccination program in Sekadau, Antara, Tuesday, January 25.

Tri Panungko said that the implementation of the vaccination for students was the West Kalimantan Children's Free Vaccine Assault Program (Laserin Kalbar) which was initiated by the Traffic Directorate of the West Kalimantan Police.

According to him, the Sekadau Police also provide assistance and education for students who take the vaccine so that there is no fear and doubt.

Tri Panungko said, the Laserin West Kalimantan program was held for two consecutive days at SDN 22 Selalong and SDN 21 in the Sekadau area to support the acceleration of vaccination, especially for children aged 6-11 years.

"In addition to students, we also hold vaccinations for the elderly. We all know that vaccines for the elderly and children are a priority program for the government at this time," said Tri Panungko.

The government's policy in accelerating vaccination continues to be implemented through the West Kalimantan Laserin program and also through the vaccine team that has been formed. To realize the vaccine target, personnel are assigned to invite their family, friends and neighbors from the elderly to visit the Sekadau Police Precision Outlet.

"This effort is expected to be able to prevent the pace of the pandemic, develop immunity that is formed through the vaccination program and of course still comply with health protocol standards," said Tri Panungko.