There Is A Prison At The Langkat Regent Terbit's House, President Jokowi Is Asked To Order The National Police Chief General Sigit To Investigate

JAKARTA - The case of finding humans in prison at the house of the Regent of Langkat, North Sumatra The Warring Angin Plan to commit slavery allegations must be seriously investigated.

"An independent investigation must be carried out by the KuPP to counter the narrative that seems to justify this practice from the police," said the Executive Director of the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform, Erasmus Napitupulu in an official statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 25.

State institutions that are members of the Cooperation for the Prevention of Torture (KuPP) are Komnas HAM, Komnas Perempuan, KPAI, Ombudsman, and LPSK.

Then, his party also asked President Joko Widodo to order the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to conduct further investigations related to this incident.

"The president must also evaluate his staff if anyone is suspected of being involved to find out about this practice," he said.

The head of the North Sumatra Regional Police confirmed the discovery of a cage containing humans at the residence of the Langkat Terbit Plan Regent who was arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The next development then the North Sumatran Police actually clarified the subject of slavery, stating that the practice was the rehabilitation of narcotics users.

The victims worked in the Regent's oil palm plantation, where it was also stated that the victim's family agreed that there would be a rehabilitation process.

“The regent does not have the authority to carry out rehabilitation, both for narcotics users, or for anyone on the basis of their authority. The regent also does not have the authority to provide guidance, that authority is only owned by the Directorate General of PAS under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, so victims are victims, not inmates," he said.

For this practice, ICJR hopes that justice and victim recovery will be a concern. Criminal investigations must always be accompanied by efforts to recover victims.

"The perpetrator is an official with power with so many resources to commit irregularities, the perpetrator must be held accountable for the recovery of the victim. Confiscation of assets to compensate victims must be sought," he said.