Azis Syamsuddin Sued 4 Years 2 Months, KPK: Aspects Of Justice And Truth Have Been Considered

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the demands of the public prosecutor against former Deputy Speaker of the DPR Azis Syamsuddin were in accordance with the aspect of justice. The prosecution is also said to have been in accordance with the results of the trial process.

"The team of prosecutors has considered aspects of justice and truth based on all the results of the trial process in prosecuting the accused," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters, Tuesday, January 25.

Ali said the calculation of the demands of each defendant at each trial was different. Each defendant is charged differently and cannot be equated with one another even though the type of case is the same.

"Because of course there are differences in the facts of the trial, the aggravating and mitigating reasons for the defendant," he said.

Not only that, Ali also said that demands cannot be regulated by any party. The length of the sentence demanded against the defendant is purely from the consideration of the prosecutor during the trial.

"Of course it is not justified to demand that a defendant only follows the opinions or wishes of certain parties," he said.

"Furthermore, we hope that the panel of judges, with their independent authority, will decide this case by upholding the principle of justice and continuing to consider the crime of corruption as an extraordinary crime," Ali added.

Previously reported, the KPK prosecutor demanded that former Deputy Speaker of the DPR Azis Syamsuddin be sentenced to prison for 4 years and 2 months. He is believed to have bribed former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju and advocate Maskur Husain in the amount of IDR 3.099 billion and USD 36 thousand.

In addition, the Corruption Eradication Commission asked the panel of judges to impose a fine of IDR 250 million on Azis, subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

"Imposing additional penalties to the defendant in the form of revocation of the right to be elected in public or political office elections, starting from 5 years from the time the defendant finishes serving his main sentence," said prosecutor Lie Putra Setiawan when reading the charges at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, January 24.

KPK prosecutors believe that the bribes that Azis gave to Robin and Maskur were intended to prevent Azis and Golkar politician Aliza Gunado from becoming suspects in the corruption investigation. Both are currently being investigated in the management of the 2017 Central Lampung Regency Special Allocation Fund (DAK).