Indonesia-Singapore Extradition Signed, KPK Steps On Gas Calling Corruption Suspect Of E-KTP Paulus Tanos

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will immediately summon the Director of PT Sandipala Arthapura, Paulus Tanos, who is a suspect in the mega-corruption case of the e-KTP procurement project.

This summons is considered to be easier to do because Indonesia-Singapore have signed an extradition treaty. Later, the anti-corruption commission will coordinate with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Regarding this extradition agreement, we will next coordinate further with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that how then the handling of the case which we are currently investigating is expected to be completed," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri to reporters, Tuesday, January 25.

Ali then said that the summons of Paulus Tanos as a suspect and one of his children, Pauline Tanos as a witness, had been carried out several times. However, both of them did not attend because they now live in Singapore.

It is hoped that the summons of the two can be carried out immediately in order to thoroughly investigate the corruption case in the procurement of e-KTP which caused state losses of Rp. 2.3 trillion.

"How then can the suspect (Paulus Tanos, ed) also be examined or witnesses who are not in Indonesia can be further coordinated," he said.

Previously reported, the e-KTP corruption case has dragged the names of a number of high-ranking officials in the ministry, such as the former Director General of Dukcapil Irman and former officials at the Ministry of Home Affairs Sugiharto. In addition, there are also the names of the former Chairman of the DPR RI Setya Novanto, former member of Commission III DPR RI Fraction Hanura Miryam S Haryani, former member of Commission III DPR RI Markus Nari.

The KPK last named four new suspects in the e-KTP case in August 2020. They are former members of Commission II of the DPR RI Hanura Party Fraction Miryam S Haryani, President Director of the Republic of Indonesia Printing Press (PNRI) and Chairman of the PNRI Consortium Isnu Edhi Wijaya, Head of the Information Technology Technical Team for the Application of KTP Husni Fahmi, and President Director of PT Shandipala Arthaputra Paulus Tanos.