Aware Of His Shortcomings That Made Bobby Nasution Ready For Collaboration

MEDAN - Advancing in the Medan Pilkada made Bobby Nasution move to initiate changes in Medan City. Bobby is aware of the discordant voices around him regarding capabilities, but he is convinced of the collaborative concept in building Medan.

"We understand that from yesterday until now, Bobby Nasution was only born in Medan, did not know Medan, did not understand what he wanted to reach in Medan. it will reach us in Medan if only to contribute to the badness of Medan City, ”said Bobby speaking in front of the North Sumatra NasDem DPW board.

Realizing this, Bobby, who is paired with Aulia Rachman, carries the concept of collaboration. Public participation, called President Jokowi's son-in-law, is the key to changing Medan City.

"Therefore, we carry out collaboration, I know my shortcomings, we collaborate together. Because not only Medan City Government can make Medan change, but the community must also play an active role. That we collaborate, the results will make Medan a blessing, "he said.

He hopes that the competition in the Medan Pilkada can run democratically. Bobby doesn't want the competition to be tainted with scolding and vilifying each other.

"This is a form of our mutual cooperation and a form of collaboration that we promote together with all people, all parties that we intend to change Medan City in a peaceful way. We make this Pilkada cool, without vilifying, insulting, insulting, we only talk about the program and what the candidates want to do later, "continued Bobby.

NasDem considered this collaboration concept to bring new hope. NasDem, who submitted a letter of support in the form of the B1-KWK form to Bobby on Tuesday, September 1, said Jokowi's son-in-law was the right candidate to lead Medan.

"In integrity, morality, Bobby is good, not blameless. Bobby has an entrepreneurial background so he can make a difference in Medan City. It takes an entrepreneurial touch to build Medan, "said Head of DPW NasDem North Sumatra, Iskandar ST when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, September 2.

Medan residents, in NasDem's perspective, need a real work program breakthrough, such as infrastructure, especially in handling floods. In addition, the ease and simplification of permits are also important so that investment can enter the city of Medan, which can automatically create new jobs.

"But building Medan cannot be expected from the APBD alone, because it is not enough for a comprehensive improvement. "Support from the central government is also needed and we see that Bobby has that capability so that there is an acceleration of the development of Medan City through the network to the central (government)," said Iskandar.