Tracing The Truth Of Alleged Human Trafficking And Slavery At The Langkat Regent's House

JAKARTA - The existence of a prison-like cage in the house of the inactive Langkat Regent, the Publishing of the Wind War Plan, still leaves many questions. Especially about the function of the cage, which seems to be the practice of slavery in his residence.

The cage was revealed when the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) searched his residence. Where, the search was related to the Operation Catch Hand (OTT).

10 years

Based on the results of information gathering so far, the cage has been in the house of Terbit Warin Angin for years.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said the existence of the prison-like building had existed since 2012. In which, there were 2 prison-like buildings.

"(The cage, ed) Made since 2012," Hadi said to reporters, Monday, January 24.

During the search by the KPK, the cage was filled. At least, there are 27 people who are in the prison-like building.

"We will evacuate 27 people from that place to the Social Service," he said.

For Rehabilitation

In addition, based on a temporary investigation, the cage was used for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. However, this matter is still being investigated.

"Initial information is used as a place of rehabilitation for people who are addicted to drugs," said Hadi.

Kombes Hadi said that until now the existence of drug rehabilitation, which the Langkat Regent called the 'Disabled Plan for Warring Angin', did not yet have a permit.

"In 2017, BNNK Langkat, had coordinated there, if it was used as a place of rehabilitation, let it be given official permission. But until last second, it didn't exist," he asserted.

Currently, he said, a joint team from the North Sumatra Regional Police is still investigating and gathering information regarding the existence of a prison-like building in the private residence of the Published War-Angin Plan.

"This is being investigated, related to developing information, this continues to be explored and the team is working to find facts on the ground. Information can be provided by the public," he said.

Alleged Human Trafficking

Police Headquarters also intervened on the findings of this cage. In-depth attention was also given to thoroughly investigate the existence of the prison-like cage.

In fact, the Police will also explore whether there is a connection with human trafficking. Because there is a lot of confusion about this.

"I checked first, whether there was a trafficking relationship," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan.

In fact, on a different occasion, the North Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak invited people who felt disadvantaged to make an official report. The report also relates to allegations of modern slavery.

"Please (report), (the place) is based on the results of my examination based on the results of the arrest. There is no (maltreatment), I asked the wound, it is still in progress, the children (team) are still examining. The field is normal from fighting. I saw bruises, the person was also unconscious, the person we were examining was not aware, his urine test was still positive," said Inspector General Panca.

Komnas HAM Checks for Allegations of Slavery

The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) will send a team to Langkat Regency, North Sumatra to investigate the existence of a human cage in the house of the inactive Langkat Regent.

This team was sent following a report from the Indonesian Association for Sovereign Migrant Workers, Migrant Care. This group suspects that Terbit Plan is suspected of confining 40 palm oil workers in cages that look like prisons.

"We will immediately send a team there, to North Sumatra and continue to communicate with various parties," Komnas HAM Commissioner Muhammad Choirul Anam told reporters on Monday, January 24.

The dispatch of this team must be done quickly so that the victims receive protection. Moreover, if there are allegations of torture.

"Don't lose one tooth today, because it took us a long time to respond, tomorrow we will lose two or three teeth. The sooner the better the prevention," he said.

Anam said the team would also dig up a number of question marks regarding the existence of the cage. For example, what is the exact number of workers locked up and where do they come from?

Meanwhile, Migrant Care, represented by Anis Hidayah, said that the alleged existence of a human cage in Terbit Plan's house was a report from the community. He said there were allegations of modern slavery practices that were revealed when the KPK's arrest operation (OTT) succeeded in ensnaring Terbit.