I'm Well! Rejang Lebong Prepares IDR 508 Million For Incentives For Imams Of Mosques And Musala, As Long As...

BENGKULU - The government (Pemkab) of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province has prepared a budget of IDR 508.8 million for incentive payments for imams of mosques and prayer rooms in the area.

The Head of the People's Welfare (Kesra) Division of the Rejang Lebong Regency Government, Herwin Wijaya Kusuma, said the incentives given to the imams of mosques and prayer rooms differ in size because they are adjusted to the regional financial capacity.

"This will be given to 241 imams of prayer rooms in 156 villages and sub-districts, while for mosque imams as many as 122 people," he said in Rejang Lebong, Antara, Monday, January 24.

He explained that the amount of incentive given to the imam of the mosque is IDR 150,000 per month, while for the imam of the prayer room it is IDR 100,000 per month.

Incentives for imams of mosques and prayer rooms are given every three months with a payment system via bank transfer. The incentive budget has been included in the 2022 Rejang Lebong APBD with a total amount of IDR 508.8 million.

The imams of mosques and prayer rooms who will receive this incentive are mosques and prayer rooms that have been registered with the Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Rejang Lebong Regency.

"For mosques and prayer rooms that have not been registered with the Rejang Lebong Ministry of Religion, we recommend registering immediately, so that next year they can get similar assistance," he said.

Previously, the Rejang Lebong Regency Government had budgeted assistance for houses of worship in the area of Rp. 3 billion, this assistance specifically for repairing or renovating mosques and prayer rooms which had been damaged and required a repair budget.