The Nasution Family Are Free to Choose Between Akhyar or Bobby, but Should Keep the Brotherhood

JAKARTA - The Nasutions are now facing off in the Medan Pilkada. There is Bobby Nasution, son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Then, there's Akhyar Nasution, the acting mayor of Medan. 

If you are from the Nasution family in Medan, you don't need to hesitate in making political choices. Free to choose Bobby or Akhyar, as long as the brotherhood is maintained.

"The Nasution family is accustomed to open-mindedness and differences. If anyone supports (Akhyar or Bobby) please, that's your right. But our cohesiveness and kinship should be maintained. We must remain brothers and sisters," said the Head of the Medan City Nasution Family Association (Ikanas), Sahlan Jukri Nasution, Tuesday, September 1.

Although Akhyar served as Chairman of the North Sumatra Nasution Association, Sahlan guaranteed that there would be no intervention. All people who have the right to vote are welcome to determine their chosen candidate for mayor.

Akhyar and Bobby have the opportunity to sell programs to build Medan. The political choice must not destroy the relationship between Nasution's family and Medan residents.

"We must remain, brothers and sisters, do not let this family split up just because of political choices. Every member of the Nasution family has their choices. Some people may try to campaign for their candidates. But we still hope that they do it elegantly and do not break the brotherhood. We, Ikanas Medan, think elegantly about this condition,” continued Sahlan.

The political dynamics in the Medan Pilkada heated up. After Akhyar Nasution decided to move to the Democrats since the PDIP nominated Bobby Nasution. From there, Akhyar loyalists in PDIP uniform emerged. However, Ikanas emphasized that they were not affected by political upheaval. All citizens have the political right to make choices.

"We are grateful, alhamdulillah, because they are Nasution. Lose-win (candidate), Nasution still wins. We are proud of this condition. It will make Nasution proud in the Pilkada contest, regardless of all the plays," said Sahlan.

Bobby Nasution and Aulia Rachman are supported by PDIP, Gerindra, PAN, Golkar, PSI, and PPP. Meanwhile, PKS and Democrats who promoted Akhyar Nasution and Salman Alfarisi.

Bobby-Aulia brought the concept of New Medan to Blessed Medan. Collaboration and community participation are the keys. Meanwhile, Akhyar-Salman initiated the tagline Medan with Character. Akhyar-Salman wants Medan to be a pleasant city that automatically makes its citizens happy. Which one do you choose?