2024 Election Schedule Agreed, Regarding Campaign Period There Are Still Differences

JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR, the government and the KPU have agreed on a schedule for the 2024 General Election to be held on February 14. However, the decision will still be discussed at the next meeting because there are still differences of opinion regarding the stages and period of the campaign.

"Of course the DPR has heard everything, yes, regarding the schedule, we have agreed that there is no difference. Now, the difference is related to the program stages and schedule, especially related to the stages for the campaign period," said Deputy Chair of Commission II DPR , Saan Mustopa at the DPR building, Monday, January 24.

Saan explained, the majority of members and the government asked for a shortened campaign period. The KPU previously proposed that the campaign period be carried out for 7 months.

The government recently proposed a maximum 90-day campaign period. Then, most of the DPR circles want the campaign period to be even less than 90 days.

"So a maximum of 90 days if possible, 75 days. Now, if it's 75 days then those related to the program, what stages and programs and related to DCT will be carried out in November, for the matter of DCT. The campaign period starts November 26. If it is in accordance with The government's proposal for the campaign period will be 11 November 2023-10 February 2024," he explained.

"That's what we will explore later. In order for the KPU to re-simulate related to the program stages and schedules, members of Commission II of the DPR have asked for it," continued Saan.

Saan explained, there will be a working meeting and a meeting with opinions again to consult the results of the simulation made by the KPU. Also related to inputs from the government and members.

On the other hand, Saan explained that the agreement on the schedule for the 2024 General Election on February 14 was due to avoid a political impression. After all, he said, that date had already been proposed by the KPU.

"Actually, with February 14th, there is no impression of avoiding the political year. Earlier it was linked to later that February 21st would be linked to 212. In fact, if we withdraw it from February 14th to the elections of 2024-2027, it will be one month loose so that the KPU has The time for compiling the stages is from February 14 to 21. It will be one week looser," he explained.

"Secondly, February 14 is not a new date. The KPU once proposed February 14, February 21 and even March 6, the KPU proposed all of them and it was re-agreed on the 14th," said Saan.