Jouska Glanced At The Former President Director Of IDX Tito Sulistio, This Is Aakar Abyasa's Response

JAKARTA - PT Jouska Finansial Indonesia, which is currently having problems with clients due to suspected investment losses, is reportedly being looked at by several new investors. One of them is the former President Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Tito Sulistio.

When asked about this, CEO Jouska Aakar Abyasa was reluctant to comment much. However, he confirmed that there are several investors in the financial industry who are in communication with Jouska.

Even so, Aakar was reluctant to mention who would be interested in becoming Jouska's investors and what was being discussed.

"Maybe I can't say much about it. Indeed, in this case there are several players in the industry that they are communicating with us and Jouska management to help find solutions," he said, during a virtual press conference, Tuesday, September 1.

Aakar said the management had not decided anything. This is because Jouska is still focused on dealing with client problems. While resolving the cases of his clients, he claimed, the company would continue to follow the ongoing legal process.

"From the beginning we committed that the client was first," he said.

For your information, Aakar appeared to the public for the first time after being sued by many of his clients due to the alleged loss of stock investment last month. To the public, Aakar admitted he was negligent and apologized for the upheaval.

A total of 45 clients of PT Jouska Finansial Indonesia reached a peace agreement. The value of the peace agreement between PT Mahesa Strategis Indonesia and Jouska's 45 clients to date has reached IDR 13 billion.

Aakar explained, the form of this peace agreement is not the same from one client to another and is not always in the form of cash. Some of them are in the form of buyback or buyback of PT Sentral Mitra Informatika (LUCK) shares owned by the client by Mahesa, reducing the profit on lost stock investment, or without compensation because the client finally understands this case as an investment loss in the stock market.

So far, 63 Jouska clients have filed complaints with Jouska out of 328 clients who have developed their stock portfolios, either independently or through the help of stock brokers in Mahesa.

Aakar claims, the percentage of clients who have submitted complaints is less than 5 percent of Jouska's active clients since early 2020 which has reached 1,700 clients.

Furthermore, Aakar hopes, the dispute between Jouska and his clients can be resolved quickly without further upheaval in the financial industry.