Grandmother In Kintamani Bali Dies After Being Attacked By Wild Bees

BANGLI- Ni Jero Sami, a 77-year-old grandmother, a resident of Beluhu Hamlet, Suter Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali, died after being attacked by a swarm of wild bees.

"A resident of Suter Village died from a wild bee sting (and) was declared dead at the Bangli Regional Hospital," said Head of Public Relations of Bangli Police Iptu Wayan Sarta, Monday, January 24.

This grandmother is known to have died on Friday, January 21 while gardening behind her house. She had said goodbye to her husband.

However, two hours later, her husband, I Ketut Sujana, heard the victim's screams from the garden.

While at the location, the victim's husband was also attacked by bees. The victim's husband lit a torch to save the victim who was helpless being attacked by a swarm of wild bees.

"Then the victim was lifted to his house using a wheelbarrow. Furthermore, the victim and the witness who were evacuated to Bangli Hospital used a carry-pickup car by the neighbors to get treatment," added Iptu Sarta.

Meanwhile, from the statement of the doctor treating the Bangli Hospital, the victim died of shock after being attacked by wild bees.

"That the victim died of anaphylactic shock or an allergic reaction due to a bee sting," he said.