Tails Calls Kalimantan Where Jin Throws Children, Edy Mulyadi Finally Apologizes
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the National Movement to Guard Fatwa (GNPF) Ulama, Edy Mulyadi finally apologized for the polemic regarding the statement "Kalimantan is a place to dispose of genies".
"If it is considered wrong, I apologize. If my friends in Kalimantan feel disturbed, insulted, of course I apologize," said Edy Mulyadi through a video uploaded on his YouTube channel, Monday, January 24.
The former PKS candidate then explained about his statement. According to him, he did not mean to insult the people of Kalimantan. However, he said, the place where the genie throws their child is only an analogy to describe a remote area.
"In Jakarta, the (term) place to dispose of the genie is described (for the area) as far away," explained Edy.
He claimed, the term is used to convey in Jakarta. In fact, he said, in some places Jakarta has also been referred to as a place for genies to dispose of children.
"Never mind Kalimantan, I'm sorry, Monas used to be a place for genies to throw children away, BSD, Bumi Serpong Damai in the 80-90s was still a place for genies to throw children. That's a common term," said Edy.
It is known that Edy's statement regarding the genie throwing out a child has provoked public anger because it is considered insulting to the people of Kalimantan. In fact, the Senator of the DPD RI from North Kalimantan, Hasan Basri, even regretted Edy Mulyadi's statement. According to him, the diction used by the Secretary General of the Ulama's National Movement to Guard Fatwa (GNPF) really hurt his heart as a Kalimantan citizen.
"This statement certainly hurts our hearts (Kalimantan residents). We have to differentiate between criticism and insults," Hasan said, Monday, January 24. Members of Committee III DPD RI, assessed the way Edy Mulyadi's refusal to move the new State Capital (IKN) was very bad. Because, he said, the person concerned seemed to insult the location where the new capital was built.
"It is not appropriate for him to speak like that towards people's areas, it hurts his name," said Hasan Basri.