Puan Maharani Asks Jokowi To Evaluate Handling Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was asked to conduct an evaluation regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and its accompanying impacts. This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament, Puan Maharani.

The PDIP politician emphasized that the government must prioritize public safety and health in dealing with the pandemic.

"Now is a crucial time for the government to work together with the DPR RI to evaluate. If now is the time for us to hit the brakes, don't accelerate the pace of what we want, public safety and health is more important than everything, "said Puan after the Plenary Session for the 75th Anniversary of the Indonesian Parliament, at the Parliament Building. , Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 1.

Puan also expressed deep sorrow for the death of 100 doctors who handled the COVID-19 pandemic. For Puan, doctors and medical personnel are health heroes who are working hard to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We express our condolences for the death of the doctor who became a health hero in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The government must think of quick steps so that the availability of doctors and health workers remains adequate in handling COVID-19, "said Puan.

Puan asked the government to maximize the function of Puskesmas as the front line in handling the COVID-19 pandemic to respond to the current emergency.

"The function of Puskesmas is maximized and integrated in the handling system for COVID-19 patients," he said.

Puan received reports about reduced hospital capacity because it was six months after the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Indonesia.

However, the current number of COVID-19 cases has reached more than 170 thousand, with more than seven thousand people dying from COVID-19.

The woman who was the first chairman of the DPR RI hoped that the government could scrutinize and evaluate all policies being implemented. Puan asked the government to prioritize public safety and health as well as medical personnel, along with efforts to improve economic conditions.

"We hope the government can do strategic things in overcoming this. Don't let it go, don't seem okay. It is time for the government to tighten the COVID-19 protocol so that people are again vigilant, it is important to maintain personal health, the environment and the community, "he said.

"We also hope that the distribution of social assistance for handling the impact of COVID-19 will continue to be maximized," stressed the people's representative from the Central Java V electoral district.