Firm! TNI Commander General Andika Asks Soldiers Who Violate Military Discipline To Use Weapons To Be Fired

JAKARTA - The TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa again held a meeting with the ranks of the TNI's legal field and the Central Commanders of the TNI Military Police from three related elements. This meeting was held to follow up the handling of violations of the military discipline law by soldiers in several areas.

"Anyway, those who have involved acts of violence with weapons, make sure he is fired," said the TNI Commander through a YouTube channel monitored in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, January 23.

The TNI commander emphasized that soldiers found guilty of military discipline and using weapons, whether the victim died or not, had to be fired because they had intended.

"It's a different matter if he uses his bare hands. If he uses a sharp weapon or weapon, he must be fired," said the Commander.

According to the former Army Chief of Staff (KSAD), soldiers who have committed acts against the law using sharp tools or weapons are the same as having the heart and are considered unable to become law enforcers.

On that occasion, he said that this step was taken to provide a warning or a deterrent effect so that the same act would not be repeated, especially for other TNI soldiers.

Based on the reports received, a number of case files will soon be transferred to the Military Court by the Military Authority and the remainder are still in the stage of further investigation by the Military Police.

Finally, after listening to the development of the case, the TNI Commander gave directions that all unlawful acts committed by TNI soldiers must be dealt with firmly based on the applicable military law.

"All forms of military discipline law violations committed by TNI soldiers, I make sure to be processed firmly, fairly and based on applicable law," he said.