Who Is Maj. Gen. Agus Subianto, The New Deputy Chief Of Staff Who Has Served As Jokowi's Shield As Danpaspampres

JAKARTA – The TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa has officially appointed Major General Agus Subiyanto as the new Deputy Chief of Army Staff (Wakasad).

This step is contained in Decree number 66/I/2022 dated January 21, 2022 concerning Dismissal from and Appointment in Position within the TNI as quoted on Sunday, January 23.

In fact, the figure of Major General Agus Subiyanto is a TNI officer who has a fast career. He began to build a military reputation when he graduated from the Military Academy in 1991. After that, he held a number of important positions within the TNI.

Major General Agus was noted to have served in Kopassus with the positions of Commander of Battalion 22 Group 2 and Head of Information for Kopassus. Then, he also had time to handle, Seskoad, Denma Headquarters, Rindam, to Pussenif Kodiklatad.

Then, the soldier who was born on August 5, 1967 was once given the mandate as Pamen Denma TNI Headquarters in 2018 - 2019, and Wadanpussenif Kodiklatad in 2019 - 2020.

In the territorial area, Major General Agus is known to have served at Kodim 0735/Surakarta in 2009-2011, Assistant Operations for Kasdam I/Bukit Barisan in 2014-2015, Commander of Rindam II/Sriwijaya 2016-2017, Commander of Korem 132/Tadulako in 2017-2018. Commander of Korem 061/Suryakancana in 2020.

Of the various mandates he has carried out, one of the most prominent is being the Commander of Paspampres in 2020 - 2021. In this position, Major General Agus' task is very clear: ensuring the safety of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Meanwhile, his last position before becoming Wakasad was as Commander of Kodam III/Siliwangi in 2021-2022.