From Digital Startups To Eco-Friendly Businesses, These Are Business Inspirations Trending In 2022 From DSC12 Dropouts

JAKARTA - The Diplomat Success Challenge (DSC) has again spawned the best young entrepreneurs in the country. This entrepreneurial program and ecosystem from the Wismilak Foundation has entered its final stage through the DSC12 event.

Through a fairly long selection process from July 2021, six challengers were selected who succeeded in obtaining venture capital grants. They are: Nico Japar (Portale Cloud Kitchen), Yenni Angreni (Arcia Oil), Vania Audrey Pakpahan (Pijak Bumi), Gayatri Puspita (GUI), M. Fadli Nugraha (Gamma Waste), and Best of the Best DSC12, Anak Agung Gde Rai Adi with his business engaged in educational technology, namely Koding Akademi.

There were also 2 finalists who received a special award from DSC12 for their innovative, high potential and good social impact business ideas, namely Fauzan Fathullah (hayVee) as The Most Social Impact and Bagas Reggas (Greenland) as The Most Potential Business.

All DSC12 winners will also get the opportunity to provide business assistance from DSC for the next 2 years, and officially join the Diplomat Entrepreneur Network (DEN) entrepreneurial network.

"Today, Friday January 21, we officially close the DSC12 series and we are proud to introduce the winners of the business capital grants and their business profiles. The six recipients of business capital grants and two recipients of special awards are the best out of a total of 18,233 business ideas registered on the website. DSC12. After going through many stages of selection, we finally succeeded in capturing potential entrepreneurs who have the 3P qualities (Understanding, Expertise, Persona), which are the 3 most important qualities that an entrepreneur must possess," said Surjanto Yasaputera, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of DSC 12 who is also the Founding Father of the DSC Program in his written statement.

From digital startups to Eco-friendly businesses

Since the opening of registration on July 19, 2021, DSC12 has regularly received hundreds of business ideas every day. The distribution of DSC12 registrants is also quite even from Sabang to Merauke, so that DSC's role as an entrepreneurial ecosystem is increasingly recognized nationally in its 12th year.

The number of female registrants this year has also surprisingly exceeded the number of male registrants, namely 57 percent of female registrants and 43 percent of male registrants. This shows that Indonesia currently has thousands and maybe even millions of potential womenpreneurs who are ready to make real contributions in the future.

"From year to year, there has been an increase in the number of registrants from female entrepreneurs, and at DSC12 it is increasingly showing positive growth when the number of womenpreneurs turns out to be more than male registrants. This is an achievement that we must also appreciate together," said Antarina SF Amir, the Board of Commissioners. DSC12 who is also an academic.

Meanwhile, in terms of business categories, according to Helmy Yahya, the DSC12 Board of Commissioners and Public Figure are now also content creators, although the food & beverage business still dominates the business profile of 18,233 registrants, other business categories cannot be separated from the spotlight.

"Especially regarding the number of businesses with a sustainable vision and mission that are environmentally friendly. And we see that all businesses that enter the final stage are businesses that have a strong storytelling about sustainability," said Helmy.