Viral Stabbing Man By An Unknown Person, Police Intervene

DEPOK - A viral video on social media showing a man lying on the ground with a sharp weapon stab wound.

a video uploaded to the Instagram account @Infodepok24, Saturday, January 22, shows a man falling asleep in a hospital.

In the video, it is explained that the incident took place in Tapos, Depok, Saturday, January 22, in the early hours of the morning. It is known that the man was stabbed by an unknown person.

Residents were seen surrounding the victim. They couldn't believe the victim had a stab wound.

"Be vigilant and take care of each other, both the patrols with RT and residents need to be reactivated," the account wrote.

Contacted by the Cimanggis Police Chief, Kompol Ibrahim Joao Sadjab said his party had investigated the case.

"Yes, it is being investigated," said Ibrahim when contacted by, Saturday, January 22.

However, when asked more clearly about the stabbing, Ibrahim refused to answer.