Sad News, PMI From Sampang Dies In Brunei Darussalam

SAMPANG - The Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) and Manpower (Naker) of Sampang Regency, East Java, released an Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI) from that region who died in Brunei Darussalam, due to a work accident.

"The PMI who died was named Ismail Bahar, a resident of Ketapang Laok Village, Ketapang District, Sampang Regency," said the Head of the Placement and Development of the Manpower Placement and Development of the Sampang DPMPTSP-Naker Agus Sumarso to reporters in Sampang, Saturday, January 12.

The victim died on January 12, 2022 at around 11:13 local time. He died at his workplace in Limau Manis, Bandar Sri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.

Ismail Bahar has worked in Brunei Darussalam for 16 years as a truck driver for the Syarikat Haji Musa Pgh Jair in Bandar Seri Begawan.

Information about the death of Ismail Bahar after the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) received news from the local police.

Then, based on the results of the postmortem at the RIPAS Hospital, no injuries or other causes were found that led to murder, violent abuse, or engineering that led to death.

"His death was purely due to a work accident. At that time, the police, the employer, the deceased's nephew and the Indonesian Embassy attended the inspection at the RIPAS Hospital.

Ismail Bahar's body was repatriated on January 19, 2022 by plane from Bandar Seri Begawan to Kuala Lumpur.

The process of repatriating the body is according to a request from the family to be returned to the country with all costs borne by the employer and insurance for labor services from the company that dispatched the person concerned.

Ismail Bahar is registered as PMI with passport document Number C0833169. "The Indonesian Embassy ensures that none of the late Ismail Bahar's salaries are in arrears," he said, explaining.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, January 22, the Sampang Regency Government visited the victim's house in Ketapang Laok Village, Ketapang District to express condolences and handed over compensation to the PMI family in the form of food packages and some money.