Alfamart And Indomaret Again Attacked Because Of Rp14,000 Cooking Oil, This Time By Residents In Baturaja, South Sumatra

JAKARTA - Residents of Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra stormed the Alfamart and Indomaret shopping centers to buy packaged cooking oil at an affordable price set by the government at Rp. 14,000/liter.

The decline in the price of cooking oil in the market from Rp. 20,000/liter to Rp. 14,000/liter was welcomed by the people, especially food and fried food traders in the area.

As admitted by Teteh, fried food trader in Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) said he was happy with the decline in the price of cooking oil set by the government at Rp. 14,000/liter, making his trade turnover back to normal.

"Because when the prices of basic necessities and cooking oil are high, it will greatly affect the turnover of food stalls, which are getting smaller," he said, quoted from Antara, Saturday, January 22.

However, his desire to buy 2 liter packaged cooking oil did not materialize because the store manager only allowed customers to buy 2 liter cooking oil for a maximum of one package.

Fitri said the same thing, a housewife admitted that she was willing to stand in line at Alfamart to buy 2 liter packaged cooking oil at a price of Rp. 28,000.

"The price is quite far compared to the previous Rp. 40,000 / 2 liters for each package," he said.

Meanwhile, according to Nadia, Alfamart officers admitted that they limit the purchase of cooking oil to a maximum of 2 liters for each citizen.

This is done so that all residents of OKU Regency get a share of cooking oil at affordable prices to meet their daily needs.

"The supply is limited so that each resident can only buy a maximum of 2 liters of cooking oil," he said.

Previously, Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi said cooking oil worth Rp. 14,000 was sold simultaneously in all modern markets that are members of the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) for the next six months.

The government, Lutfi added, disbursed funds of IDR 7.6 trillion to finance a subsidy of 250 million liters of packaged cooking oil per month or the equivalent of 1.5 billion liters for six months for the people in Indonesia.