Get Food From The Newly Opened Building Shop, 74 Residents Of Lebak Are Poisoned

JAKARTA - 74 residents of Cijaku, Lebak Regency, Banten were poisoned. They allegedly ate food from a building materials shop that was launched in the area and they were rushed to the local health center.

"Of the 74 residents who have been hospitalized, 27 of them have returned home as of 11.30 WIB, while 47 patients are still being treated and observed," said Head of the Cijaku Health Center, Lebak Regency, Sulistiyo when contacted in Lebak, Saturday, January 22, as quoted by Antara. from Antara. This incident occurred on Friday, January 20 yesterday. They had just eaten blessed rice from the thanksgiving ceremony for the opening of a building material shop. The residents who were poisoned received intensive care from the Cijaku Health Center medical staff and none were referred to the Malingping Hospital or Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital. Currently, the local health center medical staff are working hard to handle the food poisoning patient. Luckily, he said, so far there have been no fatalities due to the poisoning.

Most of them residents who experience food poisoning that causes symptoms of dizziness, nausea, vomiting and defecation. "We have taken samples of food suspected of causing poisoning to the regional health laboratory (Labkesda) to determine the cause of the poisoning," he explained. Cijaku Health Center officers are still treating residents who have been poisoned. They have also not been able to conclude the poisoning of residents who eat food from the blessing of rice. "We have not received the results from the laboratory, so we cannot conclude the cause of the poisoning," he explained. Meanwhile, Rudi, a local resident, admitted that his health condition improved after having a headache, nausea and vomiting.

"We hope this afternoon can go home," he said.