NASA Finds A Tie Fighter-Like Galaxy In Star Wars Movie

JAKARTA - The ins and outs of outer space have not been fully touched. Sometimes the universe shows amazing sights and phenomena, some looks like a butterfly or can even resemble a fictional plane from the Star Wars movies.

Citing the ScitechDaily page, Tuesday, September 1, NASA scientists recently discovered a quite unique celestial phenomenon. They discovered the galaxy array TXS 0128 obtained from the Gamma Fermi space telescope.

Uniquely, scientists believe that the appearance of this galaxy resembles a TIE Fighter spacecraft in the science fiction film Star Wars. For Star Wars fans, the TIE Fighter is a spaceship driven by the SITH and First Order imperial fleet. Even this plane is also driven by Darth Vader and Kylo Ren in the film.

"We zoom in a million times to make it clearer, using our VLBA radio antenna we also map the shape over time and the result I think it looks like the TIE Fighter spaceship Darth Vader drove in the Star Wars movie," said the astrophysicist from Purdeu University. , Mattthew Lister.

Based on radio wave mapping or what is called 'very long baseline array' (VLBA). NASA can observe the color and shape of the emitted radio signal intensity from the space telescope.

A mapping of a galaxy that looks like the TIE Fighter in the Star Wars movies (doc. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center)

TXS 0128 is about 500 million light years in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is an active galactic nucleus (AGN), meaning it is a galaxy that theoretically houses a large supermassive black hole in its center.

In five years, scientists have been examining the outer portion of the galaxy using the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope. Since then, they have found a number of radio waves emitting from the constellation in outer space.

"It was a pleasant surprise, but their appearance at different radio frequencies also helps us learn more about how active galaxies can change dramatically on the time scale of decades," added Lister.