Balikpapan Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud Condolences For The Deadly Accident That Killed 4 People At The Rapak Roundabout

BALIKPAPAN - Balikpapan Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud on behalf of the Balikpapan City Government expressed his condolences and condolences to the victims of the Rapak accident.

"We are deeply saddened by this incident. We will immediately take the necessary steps so that an incident like this does not happen again," said Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud at City Hall, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 21.

It was recorded that 4 people died and 31 people had to be hospitalized because they were victims of the KT 8534 AJ tronton truck whose brakes failed and lost control on Friday morning.

The victims who died were Saerullah, a resident of Cilacap and Fatmawati, a resident of Balikpapan. They were taken to Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Hospital (RSKD) and were found to have died at the scene.

The other two victims who died were residents of Banten, Jon Effendi Harahap and Juni Deddy Ricardo. Saerullah, Jon and Juni are believed to be workers at the Balikpapan Refinery project, which is also not far from Km 0 Jalan Soekarno-Hatta where the incident took place.

It is also known that one person being treated is in critical condition, and 3 people have to undergo surgery. Two other people who are being treated at Pertamina Hospital Balikpapan have not yet been identified.

From the records in the field, it is known that the victims who were treated were spread across 5 hospitals in the oil city. Ibnu Sina Hospital is the closest hospital to the scene that treats the victims.

The location of this hospital is right at the Rapak Roundabout on Jalan Jenderal Achmad Jani. There were 4 victims who were treated there, all of whom suffered minor injuries and were able to return home. They are Bakeri, Sri Prijanto, Siti Marwiyah and their toddler named AZ.

Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Hospital (RSKD) treated 13 victims, namely Suyono, Sri Suci Pakarti, a resident of Sumber Rejo, Central Balikpapan, Nelton, a resident of Jalan LKMD Gang Margomulyo, Desca Nanda Putra, a resident of Gunung 4, Elly Marlia, a resident of Kilo 4 at Batu Ampar Terminal, Evi MP, a resident of Sepinggan. Baru, M Yamin, a resident of Samarinda, and a resident of Balikpapan, namely Wiwik Sulastini, M Baihaki, Rahman, Heri Kahar, Rachman M, and Suhardi.

M Yamin is a victim who has to undergo surgery and is reportedly critical. Yamin is Marwiyah's husband and AZ's father who is being treated at the Ibn Sina Hospital. They were all in the red hatchback sedan that was hit by the tronton until it was thrown.

Restu Ibu Hospital is still treating 7 victims out of 10 who were taken to the emergency department of the hospital in Gunung Sari.

Those being treated are Sutarno, Mujianto, Gunawan Riyadi, Ismail Fahmi, Bambang Eko, Heri Purwanto, Tony Riyadi, while Bramasetyo, Musikan, and Narsun have been allowed to go home.

Dr. Hardjanto Army Hospital treated two victims, namely M Suwarna and Nurul Khasan who had to undergo surgery.

"Once again, we express our deepest condolences. May the family be given fortitude,” said Mayor Rahmad Mas'ud.