Amien Rais' Supporters: Asking To Study Mumtaz's Politics, He's Too Young

JAKARTA - Amien Rais loyalist, Agung Mozin did not take seriously the words of the Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Mumtaz Rais who claimed to be ready to swim from Kapuk Beach, Jakarta to Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara if the new party led by his father, Amien Rais, namely PAN Reforms take shape.

Agung said, Mumtaz was still too young in politics and needed to study a little longer.

"He is still too young to get into politics. You can see that his comments are too shallow. Mumtaz ordered to study politics first," Agung said when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, September 1.

He said PAN Reformasi would be declared as early as December or at the latest in early January 2021. Agung said, the formation of this party had also been carefully prepared.

This party, he continued, already has representatives in 34 provinces and 380 districts / cities. He also confirmed that 70 percent of PAN cadres will move to PAN Reformasi.

"We are forming a party, we are not new to the party, are we. The network in our party has already been established, especially since there is Putra Jaya Husin, Chadra Tirta Wijaya, basically all these people are workaholics," he said.

"And, we are ready, God willing. Safe. We can't make a declaration if we are not ready," he said.

Previously, Mumtaz Rais admitted that he was ready to swim from Kapuk Beach, Jakarta to Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara if a new party made by his father, Amien Rais, namely PAN Reformasi, could be formed. He even dubbed the party the hallucination PAN.

"If indeed the PAN Hallucinations (read: PAN Reformasi) are actually formed and filled by only a quarter of our council members, which number around 1500, then I as the Chairperson of the POK DPP, the strong guard of the PAN fortress, will swim from Kapuk beach to Labuan Bajo. , as a form of give away. An offering from me, "said Mumtaz in his written statement, Tuesday, September 1.

He also promised to return to swim to Jakarta from Labuan Bajo if the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly issued a Decree (SK) on the establishment of PAN Reformasi.

"I will give another give away, swim from Labuan Bajo to Kapuk. Back and forth. We'll wait until December," he said.

Mumtaz feels willing to bet because he has the belief that PAN Reformasi will disband before it is declared. This is because none of the figures joined the party ranks that were formed after Amien Rais was expelled from the PAN management under Zulkifli Hasan.

"None of our council members and our regional heads are pointing towards it," he said.

"Why? Because they are all busy working, not like the unemployed, who are hanging around hallucinating to start a party," said Mumtaz.