It Turns Out That There Is An Omicron Positive Patient In Sukoharjo At The End Of 2021, Now It's Cured

SUKOHARJO - The Health Service stated that the latest variant of COVID-19, namely Omicron, had entered the Solo Raya area, precisely in Sukoharjo Regency at the end of 2021.

Acting Head of the Sukoharjo District Health Office (DKK) Yunia Wahdiyati said that a resident of Sukoharjo Regency was known to have been exposed to Omicron following the recent release of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) results.

BUT according to him, the patient has now been declared cured.

"This is a past case (December 2021) but the results of the WGS just came out today. This means that the patient has now recovered," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 21.

Regarding the emergence of this case, his party has immediately conducted contact tracing in the nearest neighborhood.

He said there were two people from the nuclear family who were swabbed but all came back negative.

Meanwhile, regarding the travel history of the patient who was confirmed positive for Omicron, he was reluctant to explain much. However, it is confirmed that he has a history of traveling from an area confirmed by Omicron.

Regarding the positive case of COVID-19 in Sukoharjo Regency, he said, a search will be carried out on the person's recent travel history.

According to him, if the travel history is from a risky area, an examination will be carried out to determine the CT value of the patient. He said that if the CT Value was less than 30, it would be continued by sending a WGS sample.

"So far, in Sukoharjo, we have only found one case of Omicron," said Yunia Wahdiyati.