To Eradicate Immorality, Bogor Satpol PP Destroys 2,135 Bottles Of Liquor

BOGOR - Bogor Regency Satpol PP, West Java, destroyed 2,135 bottles of liquor (alcohol) resulting from operations to eradicate the immorality of the Nobat Program, aka Nongol Babat.

"Thousands of this alcohol were confiscated from a number of traders and several THMs (night entertainment venues) in Bogor Regency. The confiscation of thousands of alcohol was also assisted by the Satpol PP in several sub-districts," said Head of Bogor Regency Satpol PP Agus Ridhallah after the destruction at the Satpol PP Office, Cibinong, Antara, Friday, January 21.

Thousands of bottles of alcohol were destroyed by being crushed by heavy equipment. According to him, the destruction of the alcohol is part of the effort to realize the Civilized Bogor Initiative in accordance with the Bogor Regent's Regulation (Perbup) Number 81 of 2021 concerning Alcohol.

"So we carried out the operation and the destruction in accordance with the rules for a comfortable and civilized area as the Bogor Regent's vision and mission," said Agus.

Previously, Bogor Regent Ade Yasin stated that the Bogor Regency Government managed to control as many as 2,629 cases of immorality through the Nobat program during 2021.

"In order to maintain public order and eradicate disobedience, such as prostitution, alcohol parties, drugs, the Bogor Regency Government is intensifying the Nobat Program," said Ade Yasin.

According to him, the enforcement program is increasing from year to year. During 2019, there were 1,644 cases and in 2020 there were 1,784 cases.

Ade Yasin said that the Nobat Program is part of the Civilized Bogor Initiative, which is one of the five visions of the Bogor Regency Government which he calls Pancakarsa.

He explained that the Civilized Bogor Karsa is a program that aims to increase the social piety of the people of Bogor Regency.