South Sulawesi Police Chief Asks Propam To Search For Police Persons Related To Drug Dealers

MAKASSAR - South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Police Chief Inspector General Nana Sujana asked the Profession and Security Sector (Propam) to investigate the involvement of the Belopa Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Bripka IS alias Wawan (36) with drug dealers.

"Based on the report I received, IS is still under intensive investigation by Propam and I request that its involvement with drug dealers be further investigated," said Inspector General Nana Sudjana in Makassar, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 21.

He said the IS Brigadier had been immediately deactivated from his post and replaced by other members who had the ability and met the requirements to serve.

The South Sulawesi Police Chief said that currently Bripka IS is still under investigation by the Propam Division of the South Sulawesi Police and if later proven, the case will also be submitted to the Drugs and Drug Administration for further handling.

"What is certain is that if members commit a crime, they will get heavier sanctions. Criminal sanctions and penalties for the Police code of ethics," he said.

But for now, said Inspector General Nana, his party asks the public to be patient in waiting for this handling because it still has to be further investigated who is involved in the network.

In addition, Propam is also exploring the relationship between IS and an inmate at the Class IIA Palopo Penitentiary who is suspected of being the controller of a narcotics network in Luwu.

"We will see, if the results of the investigation by Propam are directly involved in drug trafficking, it will be submitted to the Directorate of Drugs for general criminal processing," he said.

Previously, the arrest of Bripka IS was based on the development of the case from the arrest of the SA who had already been arrested.

The Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Komang Suartana said his party had ordered to immediately complete the investigation files of the suspects and continue to develop them.

"Ordered the drug inspector and the Luwu Police Propam to monitor the suspect and confiscate the firearms belonging to the IS Brigadier General," Kombes Komang said.

The evidence secured from SA included two plastic packages containing clear crystals suspected of being methamphetamine, with a gross weight of 55.76 grams, 34 red ecstasy pills (Inex), two sheets of aluminum foil, one cell phone and one motorcycle units. Meanwhile, one unit of Android cellphone was confiscated from Bripka IS.