Examine 17 Witnesses, Police Have Not Confirmed Destruction Of As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School In East Lombok Regarding Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah's Lecture

NTB - The NTB Regional Police took over the handling of the case of the destruction of the As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School facilities, Bagek Nyaka, East Lombok Regency.

Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, said that this case was under the control of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the NTB Police.

"So the investigation is from the Ditreskrimum Polda NTB. The progress is still in synchronization with the statements of the witnesses," said Artanto in Mataram as reported by Antara, Friday, January 21.

Investigators have not been able to draw a conclusion as to whether the destruction is directly related to the video footage of Ustaz Mizan Qudsiah which went viral and provoked a polemic some time ago. in his lecture Mizan allegedly discredited ancestral graves in Lombok.

"We are still in the process of investigating. We are still digging for information in the field," said Director of the General Crime Investigation Unit (Dirreskrimum) of the NTB Police Kombes Hari Brata.

In his progress, he also said that there were already 17 witnesses who gave information regarding the incident of vandalism of the As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School in Bagek Nyaka.

Hari said that most of those who gave information to the police were residents who witnessed the vandalism in three different locations. Namely the destruction of four-wheeled vehicles in the As-Sunnah Bagek Nyaka Islamic Boarding School area. Burning of materials for the construction of a prayer room, and the house belonging to the chairman of the prayer room construction committee.

With such progress, Hari confirmed that the case had not yet led to the determination of a suspect. But now his party is still trying to uncover the role of the perpetrators of the vandalism as well as the alleged provocateurs of the mass action.

"So, we haven't identified it yet, everything is still investigating," he said