Djoko Tjandra Handed Over Money For Fatwa Management To Andi Irfan Through In-law

JAKARTA - Djoko Tjandra's lawyer, Soesilo Aribowo, said that many of his clients were asked about the flow of funds suspected of bribery in the processing of the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa.

During his questioning on Monday, August 31, Djoko Tjandra, according to Soesilo, talked about the flow of money for fatwa management at the Supreme Court, which was said to be intended so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed in the case of transfer of claim rights to Bank Bali. Management of this fatwa was offered by Andi Irfan Jaya, a South Sulawesi NasDem politician.

"He (Djoko) handed over the money to Andi through his brother-in-law. His name is Heriadi," Soesilo told reporters, Tuesday, September 1.

However, regarding the nominal amount of money given, Soesilo did not mention. According to him, Djoko Tjandra did not know whether or not the money was given.

"But I didn't confirm whether it was received or not by Andi. Pak Djoko also didn't know," he said.

Djoko Tjandra was named a suspect at the AGO. It is suspected that Djoko Tjandra asked for assistance in processing a fatwa to the Supreme Court (MA).

"The suspects are suspected of having committed an act that has to do with administering a fatwa. About the JST suspect (Joko Soegiarto Tjandra), how do you get a fatwa so that he doesn't get executed. So the conspiracy not to be executed by the prosecutor, asked for a fatwa to the Supreme Court, "said Kapuspenkum AGO Hari Setiyono.

It is suspected that the attempt to obtain a fatwa to the Supreme Court took place between November 2019 and January 2020. The attempt to request a fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed, according to the AGO, failed.