It's The Turn Of The Sundanese Customary Council Inflamed Accusing Arteria Dahlan Of Blaspheming Ethnic Ethnicity, Asks The West Java Regional Police To Process

JAKARTA - The West Java Police (West Java) has received a complaint from the Sunda Indigenous Community regarding the remarks of a member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Arteria Dahlan who asked the attorney general to remove the Head of the High Prosecutor's Office (Kajati) who spoke Sundanese.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, said that the report submitted by the Sunda Customary Council was in the form of a complaint and not a police report. "The form we receive is a complaint, it still needs clarification," said Ibrahim at the West Java Police Headquarters, Bandung, Antara, Friday, January 21.

Even though it is in the form of a complaint, it will follow up on the report. The report from the Sunda Customary Council was submitted to the West Java Police Integrated Service Center, in Bandung, last Thursday.

Previously, a number of elements of society who were members of the Sundanese Customary Council reported Arteria Dahlan to the West Java Regional Police in the aftermath of his statement questioning the use of the Sundanese language by a law enforcement official in a meeting.

The Supreme Pupuhu of the Sundanese Traditional Council Karatuan, Ari Husein, assessed that Dahlan's open statement at the DPR meeting was a blasphemy against ethnic groups in Indonesia, not just the Sundanese.

"We deliberately reported that, in essence, it is a violation of the constitution, there is article 32 paragraph 2 (UUD 1945) which must preserve regional languages, not ban regional languages," said Husein.

In a meeting with the Attorney General, Baharuddin, at Commission II DPR, Dahlan said, "Pak JA (Prosecutor General), there was a Kajati who was in the meeting, during the working meeting he spoke in Sundanese. Change that Mr. (head of the High Prosecutor's Office). We are Indonesia. ," as seen from the video on the DPR's YouTube account.