Considered Innovative, Global Bonds Indonesia Wins International Prestigious Award

JAKARTA - It is said that Indonesia has succeeded in repeating its glorious achievement related to the issuance of global bonds for the September 2021 period by winning an international award from Global Capital.

The Director General of Financing and Risk Management at the Ministry of Finance, Luky Alfirman, said this appreciation is a form of international recognition for the commitment of the Indonesian government in presenting the right financial instruments.

"Indonesia will continue to encourage the issuance of innovative and sustainable financing instruments," he said in a press statement, Thursday, January 20.

According to Luky, the Ministry of Finance as the frontline in the formulation of global bonds will always explore the best financing aspects that are tailored to the interests of the government and in line with universal principles.

"This award will continue to spur us to achieve even better performance in managing the global bond instrument portfolio," he said.

For information, Indonesia won two categories, namely Best Bond and Best SSA (Sovereign, Supranationals, Agency) Bond for the debut of Liability Management transactions of 1.25 billion US dollars and the debut of the issuance of SDG bonds of 500 million euros.

Meanwhile, this award from Global Capital complements the previous award from The Asset which is claimed to further strengthen Indonesia's reputation as the savviest bond issuers in Asia.

"Indonesia entered the market with the right momentum and instrument in the midst of the growing need for ESG portfolio placement in the global market," said Luky.

Through this series of awards, the government is committed to complying with applicable standards for the issuance of SDGs bonds and plans to re-implement liability management transactions to manage the portfolio of global bond instruments.