Andi Irfan Jaya's Proposal To Djoko Tjandra And BMW That Was Not Mentioned

JAKARTA - For six hours of questioning, Djoko Tjandra dismissed the suspicion of bribing prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari regarding the fatwa arrangement at the Supreme Court (MA) so that he would not be executed in the case of transferring the claim rights of Bank Bali. Djoko Tjandra was also not mentioned about the purchase of a luxury BMW car belonging to Pinangki, which was allegedly purchased using Djoko Tjandra's deposit.

"We examined 40 questions, we didn't ask about BMW," said lawyer Djoko Tjandra Soesilo Aribowo to VOI, Monday, August 31 evening.

Soesilo admitted, his client, Djoko Tjandra, had received a proposal for an offer of assistance so that he would not be executed. The bidder for the proposal in question was called Djoko Tjandra's lawyer, named Andi Irfan Jaya, a South Sulawesi NasDem administrator. Regarding Andi Irfan's name, VOI has confirmed it to the NasDem elite, but has not yet been responded to. =

"They offered MA fatwas but they couldn't, couldn't. There was (communication). He offered those proposals (fatwa)," he said.

The matter of the MA fatwa took the prosecutor Pinangki away. From the statement of the Attorney General's Office, Pinangki met Djoko Tjandra who met Pinangki in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia through a person named Rahmat.

"(An introduction) from Rahmat first. Friends of Djoko," he said.

Pinangki, who is a suspect at the AGO, is suspected of receiving US $ 500 thousand from Djoko Tjandra. This gratification affair also made Djoko Tjandra a suspect at the AGO after previously being a suspect in two cases related to red notice and fake travel documents at Bareskrim Polri.

What about BMW prosecutor Pinangki?

From the investigation it was found that prosecutor Pinangki was suspected of buying a BMW car using Djoko Tjandra's money. This fact is obtained from an examination of the Sales of PT. Astra International BMW sales Operation Branch Cilandak Yenny Pratiwi. This examination was carried out on Wednesday, August 26th.

Djoko Tjandra was later named a suspect. It is suspected that Djoko Tjandra asked for assistance in processing a fatwa to the Supreme Court (MA).

"The suspects are suspected of having committed an act that has to do with administering a fatwa. About the JST suspect (Joko Soegiarto Tjandra), how do you get a fatwa so that he doesn't get executed. So the conspiracy not to be executed by the prosecutor, asked for a fatwa to the Supreme Court, "said Kapuspenkum AGO Hari Setiyono.

It is suspected that the attempt to obtain a fatwa to the Supreme Court took place between November 2019 and January 2020. The attempt to request a fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed, according to the AGO, failed.

The AGO is currently still tracking the flow of funds allegedly received by prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari from Djoko Tjandra. One of the ways to use Djoko Tjandra's money is to buy a BMW car.

"Our investigation process is open. This means we can follow what the money was used for," he said.

If the search results show strong evidence of gratification or gift giving, the AGO, according to Hari, will apply a new suspicion.