Regent Erli Hasan Reveals Fish Bombing And Theft Is Rising In Simeulue, Monitoring Groups Are Not Enough

ACEH - Simeulue Regent Erli Hasim revealed that fishing using bombs and theft of marine products in the archipelago are rife.

"This is due to limited infrastructure and monitoring facilities, so the theft and bombing of fish in the waters of Simeulue Regency are still happening," said the regent in Simeulue, Antara, Wednesday, January 19.

Erli stated that although in Simeulue Regency a community water monitoring group had been formed, the theft of fish and fishing using bombs continued.

Of course this is detrimental to local fishermen. Likewise, fishing using bombs destroys the fishery ecosystem.

Simeulue Regency is located in the Indian Ocean, has promising fishery potential. However, this potential is exploited by means of theft and other illegal acts, such as the use of explosives, said Erli Hasim.

"The marine ecosystem is a source of local revenue (PAD). If the marine potential is taken illegally, it will also reduce Simeulue Regency's PAD," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Marine Resources Supervision at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Khalid K Jusuf, hopes that the community monitoring group can play a role in overseeing illegal fishing practices on Simeulue Island.

The supervisory community group in Simeulue Regency is an extension of the hands as well as eyes and ears for the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

"Therefore, the cooperation of the parties is needed in supervising fishery resources on Simeulue Island. If anything damages the aquatic ecosystem, immediately report it to the authorities," said Khalid K Jusuf.

Simeulue Regency is the outermost archipelago in Aceh Province. Simeulue Island is in the Indian Ocean which is about 180 nautical miles from the west coast of Sumatra Island.

Simeulue Regency is a division of West Aceh Regency since 1999. Simeulue Regency has 10 sub-districts with 138 gampongs or villages inhabited by around 80 thousand people.