6 Types Of Must-Try Foods That Are Effective In Overcoming Depression

JAKARTA - Many do not realize that depression is closely related to health in the body. So in addition to following counseling, a healthy lifestyle can be one way that is often done to minimize the symptoms that arise and attack the body.

By enriching nutritional intake through vitamin content such as fruit, vegetables and nuts, it can improve brain function and work to stabilize moods that often change due to depression. Even some studies have suggested consuming it to prevent changes in mood to be unhappy. Then what are the foods that can overcome depression? Launching HerWorld, here's a list of six foods.


The content of omega 3 fatty acids in walnuts can minimize symptoms of depression by improving brain function. One study published by Integrative Medicine Research in 2015 proved that omega 3 content can reduce the risk of mood disorders and strengthen brain cells. In addition to walnuts, other foods that are high in omega 3 are salmon and tuna.


The good fats in avocados are not only healthy, but also nutritious for maintaining mental health. Omega 9 and oleic acid it contains function to keep excess homocysteine from being able to inhibit the reception of nutrients to the brain while affecting mood. Another benefit of this fruit is the higher amount of protein than other fruits.


Beef and chicken contain minerals that can optimize the needs in the body and also keep away from depression. Several studies have found that mineral levels in people with depression are lower than in people who don't. Therefore, by consuming appropriate levels can stabilize and maintain the body and even mental health.

Dark chocolate

Mood swings caused by depression can be minimized with dark chocolate that some people like. Dark chocolate is one of the foods that contain flavonols and polyphenols that can lower blood pressure so that you are much calmer.


Consuming nuts is very good for heart health. In fact, nuts such as soybeans, almonds, and others have vitamins B12 and B9 that can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent mood swings.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are believed to be one of the intakes that can overcome depression. Its omega 3 content can help maintain mood and improve brain function and protect cells from symptoms of other diseases.