Denies The Stagnation Case, West Sumatra's Payakumbuh Prosecutor's Office Calls The Alleged Corruption Of COVID Funds Awaiting Audit Results

W Sumatra - Head of the Payakumbuh District Attorney's Office (Kajari) in West Sumatra, Suwarsono, has confirmed that the 2020 COVID-19 fund corruption case is still ongoing and is awaiting the results of the audit.

"It's not stuck or anything, just keep going as it should. Don't think about chicken dung, there's no such thing. The process continues," he said when met by the media crew in Payakumbuh, Antara, Wednesday, January 19.

The absence of the latest information from the Payakumbuh District Attorney (Kejari) after the appointment of the Head of the Payakumbuh City Health Service (Dinkes), BKZ as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of COVID-19 funds in 2020 has indeed begun to raise questions in the public sphere.

Suwarsono added, for the current process his party is waiting for the results of the audit which will be completed in the near future.

"In the next one or two weeks, it is hoped that the audit will be completed. But because it is still in the process of being investigated, we cannot disclose the material to our media colleagues," he said.

So far, only one person has been named a suspect. However, it is possible that new suspects will be named.

"Yes, as I said, this corruption will not be done alone. Just wait for further information," he said.

Previously, on November 25, 2021, the Kadinkes of Payakumbuh City, BKZ as a suspect in the case of alleged misappropriation of COVID-19 funds in 2020.

Suwarsono said that for the time being the prosecutor's office had not detained the suspect, because he was a member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

Kajari ensured that his party had pocketed four pieces of evidence in investigating the alleged misappropriation of COVID-19 funds in 2020. As for how much state losses were caused in this case, it was in the hundreds of millions.

"The number of state losses, we are still calculating. We also hope that the handling of cases that use funds for handling COVID-19 will not interfere with the state program in dealing with COVID-19," he said.