Steal 4 Gas Cylinders Belonging To The Poor, Perpetrators Leave Motorcycles At Victim's House

CILACAP - Two gas cylinder thieves in Cilacap have been arrested by residents of Jalan Rinjani, Central Cilacap District, Central Java. The arrest of the two thieves was unique, because the perpetrator who had managed to escape returned to the location to retrieve the motorbike he left at the crime scene (TKP).

ST (32), a resident of Asap Kesugihan and SB (35), a resident of North Cilacap, both committed theft at night in a resident's house on Jalan Rinjani. The two entered the victim's house by prying out a side window. While in the kitchen, the perpetrator took 4 gas cylinders measuring 3 kilograms belonging to the victim.

At around 02.00 WIB, the owner of the house (victim) who at that time was at the patrol post, returned home. While trying to rest, the victim heard a loud noise behind the house. After being peeked from the window, the owner of the house found the chicken coop in an open condition and saw someone passing next to the house. Spontaneously the victim screamed thief.

Wakapolres Cilacap Kompol Suryo Wibowo said the perpetrator fled leaving his motorbike at the location. However, about an hour later, one of the perpetrators returned to the location trying to retrieve his motorbike. Residents who felt suspicious then arrested him.

"The alleged article is Article 363 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 7 years. These two perpetrators are not included in the recidivist category, but there are indications that the perpetrators have done the same thing," explained Suryo.