The Deputy Regent Of Langkat, North Sumatra, Has Heard The KPK's OTT, The Last Communication With The Regent Issues A Plan To Fight The Wind Last Night

MEDAN - Deputy Regent of Langkat, North Sumatra, Syah Afandin confirmed that the KPK carried out an operation to arrest a number of officials. It was reported that the Regent of Langkat Published a Plan for Warring the Winds that was picked up by the KPK team.

"We did hear about it (OTT). But we haven't received complete information yet," he said, confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, January 19.

Regarding the news of the search at a private house, the man who is familiarly called Ondim admitted that he also heard about it. However, he admitted that he did not know exactly who the parties caught in the OTT were.

"We don't have a picture of what it's like, the situation as a whole can't be done," he explained.

Until now, the Deputy Head of Langkat has not communicated with the Regent of Langkat, Publishing a War Plan.

"Last communication last night, today there is no," he said.

He ensured that the OTT activities carried out by the KPK in its territory did not interfere with public service activities.

"God willing, it is the local government's obligation to serve the public. God willing, there will be no impact," he said.